A Fresh Start

Monday, December 27, 2010

Well, it seems that my blog was a victim of something. After being here since before Google had bought out Blogger, and faithfully (or close enough to it being so) blogging my life happenings for almost 14 years, everything that I once had, is gone.

I thought that maybe I had most of it backed up on my old computer, but after an organized and very long search, I found nothing. So much of the things I had happily blogged about my life or my daughter is gone.

I decided, I'm okay with this, even if it hurts a bit. It will give me the opportunity to start fresh with a clean palette, so to speak.

For those who don't remember why I even created a blog, let me give you a bit of insight into the title of this blog: Growing up, I always had to "bottle it up". To release all of our emotions or thoughts was considered weak by my father. When I had my daughter, I found that I couldn't keep everything bottled up, it only caused more problems for me and my mental state. At times, I started to think I was really going insane. A good friend of mine told me, "Margie, sometimes, you just have to bitch for sanity's sake." And so, my blog was born.

Over the years, I didn't use it just to bitch, but also share my joys and sorrows. I was also an avid participant of "Photo Friday" and many of the "memes" that were out there. So hopefully, I will find some more of those things to do again (Yes, I know Photo Friday is still out there - I even have pictures for it.).

So, enough of the blabbering... Just enjoy...

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